Your Instructor

Laurence Balter is a Gold Seal CFII, ATP and CSIP.
With over 13,500 hours and over 10,500 hours in the SR22.
He has instructed over 20,000 landings in the Cirrus aircraft.
His students have a 100% pass rate.

Laurence is a noted expert in Angle of Attack training, spoken at numerous FAA WINGS seminars, been featured in AOPA Magazine numerous times and has over 30 years of experience as an instructor in Aviation.  His Facebook group "Pilots and Aviation Enthusiasts" has over 40,000 members.  His YouTube page "Cirrus Instructor" has over 1,000,000 views.

He and his wife are owners of Maui Flight Academy, and were recently featured in the
March 2020 edition of AOPA Magazine.


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Pay only for quizzes & exam.

Maui Flight Academy